Ebook The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, by Fred Watson
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The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, by Fred Watson
Ebook The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, by Fred Watson
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The Lone Woman, who was accidently left behind on San Nicolas Island when the rest of her people were taken to the mainland, lived and survived for eighteen years all alone on the wind swept Pacific island, before finally being rescued by Captain George Nidever and Carl Dittman in the July of 1853. Her true story was the inspiration for Scott O' Dell's award winning children's novel, "Island of the Blue Dolphins".
- Sales Rank: #803687 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-07-09
- Released on: 2012-07-09
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
very informative
By August
Ever since I read Island of the Blue Dolphins as a girl, I have wanted to know more about its heroine and her true biography. She passed away soon after reaching the mainland, and without being able to speak a language that others could understand, so there is much we will never know. This book however did a good job of describing some of the research that has been done into her life and living situation. I was glad to see old photos of her whalebone house.
I was a little taken aback at the several mentions of the fact that she was "rescued" from San Nicolas Island. She had lived there with her people prior to them leaving (whether of their own will or coercion). And she sickened and died soon after her "rescue." was it really a rescue? Perhaps a rescue from the loneliness that must have plagued her for years, but I cannot imagine from what else she was truly "rescued." But she had wanted to leave, that was her choice, so I supposed "rescue" is one appropriate word.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in this topic.
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